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In 2016, Delta ITP organised a four-afternoon workshop on presentation skills and science communication. The workshop was open for Delta PhD students, postdocs and Fellows. The workshop was oversubscribed and the details of the program can be found below.

A good presentation technique is an essential instrument for every successful researcher. Presentations, in addition to publications, form an important tool in order to propagate insights and research results. On top of that, presentations are important in the quest to find partners and funds for further research and to find a next position in your research carrier. 

Delta ITP offers a four afternoon workshop series in which you can improve your presentation skills in a small group with personalized feedback. 


28 October 2016, 14:00-17:30  Theatre skills for scientific talks 1 (Artesc)

11 November 2016, 14:00-17:30 Theatre skills for scientific talks 2 (Artesc)

2 December 2016, 14:00 -17:30 Theatre skills for scientific talks 3 (Artesc)

16 December 2016, 14:00-17:30 Mediatraining by Brandsma & Schagen

Location: Amsterdam Science Park 904, rooms TBA

How to apply  

To apply use the form below. A short motivation (one paragraph) is recommended. 

You will be provided with a booklet detailing the course content. Homework in between exercises adds up to three hours in total.

Please note: it’s only possible to register for the full programme (4 afternoons).  



Due to the expected popularity of the workshop series, a selection procedure might take place. In any case, four places will be available for students/PD’s from each university. Part of the selection procedure will be your (short) motivation, to be sent in when applying. The course is open for all PD/PhD students (except FOM funded students**) where Delta PhD’s and PD’s have priority.

**PhD students/PD’s on a FOM budget however are kindly requested to make use of the opportunities offered by FOM, which are more or less the same as the programme Delta is offering.  

Theatre Skills for Scientific Talks  (session 1, 2 and 3)

The first three sessions are executed by trainers from Artesc, a training company building bridges between the performing arts and communication in science. Plenary sessions are combined with training sessions where the group is split in two, each with their own trainer. 

What you will learn:

  • Increase clarity of your presentation
  • Increase the attention levels of your audience
  • Create effective transitions
  • Build more confidence on the scientific stage
  • Effective use of body language
  • Recognize your personal pitfalls and learn to avoid them

About Artesc

Artesc is a group of Dutch artists, teachers and scientists who share one passion: improving your performance on stage and on the page with ideas from theatre and prose. At present, they are active in seven countries. Among their clients are FOM, TU Delft, VU Amsterdam, DSM, Erasmus University, Tilburg University, Radboud University Nijmegen,  ETH Zurich, TU Eindhoven,  University of Luxembourg, Marie Curie Network, CWI,  Philips, University College London, Imperial College London, University of San Sebastian,  ABN Amro, Nyenrode Business University.

Artesc trainers for this workshop are Maria Sovago and Gijs Meeusen. Both trainers have a PhD in physics. Gijs Meeusen is one of the founders of Artesc.

Mediatraining with Brandsma & Schagen (session 4)

In the fourth afternoon session, you will learn the ins and outs of science communication for a lay audience. Two experienced science journalists/documentary makers will get you acquainted with the demands of various types of media, and the kind of questions journalists like to ask. You will learn how to get your message delivered, instead of merely answering a journalist’s questions, and you will learn the importance of a good quote. There will be plenary sessions, and training sessions with the group split in two. On camera interview training 

Thijs Brandsma and Karin Schagen are both professional TV directors with broad experience in the making of popular science programs on Dutch national television (Noorderlicht, Labyrint, Nieuwslicht). As media trainers they worked for several clients, including FameLab NL (2016 winner: Bert Vercnocke).

Contact information 

Jacqueline de Vree, workshop coordinator/Delta ITP outreach and communication

Gerben Oling (PhD student who followed the Artesc training as part of the FOM programme)

Bert Vercnocke, winner of Dutch Final of FameLab 2016, speaker at the Opening of the Academic Year UvA Amsterdam. Training experience with Brandsma & Schagen.